Mortarion Daemon Primarch of Nurgle Landscape Framed Canvas



Framed Canvas is stretched around a 35mm deep frame and the borders around the canvas are black. We print on a 100% cotton 482gsm archival canvas to produce a giclée print that has an archival rating of 75 years. To protect the print is it sprayed with a fine art satin seal.

The outer frame is a black lacquered wood and has a smooth satin finish. The back of the canvas is finished with acid-free artists backing tape.

All our frames are all hand-made in-house and sourced from FSC regulated sustainable resources.

Each product is individually hand-numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity that includes the issue date, image name and edition number.

This item is excluded from all promotional offers.

Size: 400mm x 600mm

The Lord of the Death Guard, spreading death and contagion as he leads his host to war. Artist - Igor Sid.